Green innovations make rural areas more liveable
The groupwork in the Virtual Greennovation Camp 9.9. had some great discussions based on 4 different megatrend cards: 1) longer life expectancy and ageing population 2) decreasing biodiversity 3) AI applications permeate society and 4) belittling VS activism.
During the first part of the session the group introduced themselves and told a bit about their work. The megatrend cards were then addressed, and the group started to visualize the future based on these cards. Different aspects were discussed, like consequences of the vision to businesses and municipalities, and how various stakeholders were affected by these future visions. The focus became especially on rural areas, and how hard some challenges in the future would be to overcome for these areas.
After the initial group work, two groups were combined to form a common vision which resulted in a poster with focus on rural areas and how different green innovation aspect such as renewable energy, digitalization, artificial intelligence, small-scale farming and circular economy would affect the future and create opportunities for living in the rural areas.
Article by Group 1 facilitators:
Hanne W. Brendelokken, Sintef Nord, Norway
Mervi Angeria, Lapland UAS, Finland