Green Rural Economy
GRUDE actions will shape tomorrow’s sustainable societies – DARE TO BE GRUDE
GRUDE (Sept 2019 – Sept 2022) was an information sharing project funded by the Interreg Nord program. The project’s aim was to collect, refine and share knowledge about green economy and resource efficiency in order to create sustainable Northern societies. By recognizing the special features of Northern communities’ circular economy, it is possible to save natural resources and create new employment and growth in the Arctic areas.
The project has produced research reports, videos about local sustainable businesses, event re-cordings, manuals, blog texts etc. All the materials are free to use and can be found from the project webpage.
Green Transition Needs a Holistic Approach and Multidisciplinarity
The concept of green economy is closely linked to research sector and its results; after all, the whole concept…
From Circular Economy Networks to Circular Economy Clusters – a Way Forward?
Circular economy, networks and good practices When we wrote the GRUDE application back in the days, we already then…
Circular Study Trip in the North of Sweden
Day one The trip began in sunny Jokkmokk with our tour leader Amanda and our driver Tomas. We were…
Realizing Green Transition in the Rural Arctic through Cross-border Collaboration
In the GRUDE project’s final webinar on 31 May, we heard several interesting presentations about green initiatives and collaboration…
Jokkmokk Based Companies Trained in Circular Business Development
The four companies Mathantverket i Vuollerim, Food by Jokkmokk, Peace & Quiet Hotel and Jokkmokks Log has participated in…
Symbios, Sweden’s new billion industry
Industrial symbiosis, making money from the waste of other companies, is the way of the future to do business…
Green Transition in the Rural Arctic 31/5/2022
During the GRUDE-project, we have gathered and shared knowledge about the different possibilities for green shift in our region….
Collaboration Workshop 19/5/2022
In the GRUDE project’s last Greennovation Camp in March, we kick-started a networking process with a goal to find partners…
Green Transition – Greennovation Camp 29/03/2022
Greennovation Camps are international innovation- and green economy focused online conferences that bring together local government officials, researchers, students,…
Arktinen kalatalous – Kotimaisen kalan hyödyntämisen monet keinot 16/03/2022
Arktinen kalatalous – Kotimaisen kalan hyödyntämisen monet keinot webinaarissa pohditaan, miten kotimaisen kalan arvostusta ja erilaisia hyödyntämistapoja voitaisiin kehittää…
Arktiset pienet yhteisöt & vastuullinen matkailu 17/02/2022
Aika: torstaina 17.2.2022 klo 13 – 15 Paikka: webinaari Teams -alustalla Kenelle: matkailualan opiskelijat, matkailuyrittäjät, matkailuyhdistykset, viranomaiset sekä muut matkailusta kiinnostuneet…
Arktinen bioenergia 16/02/2022
Arktinen bioenergia –webinaarissa haetaan vastauksia kysymyksiin: Miksi paikallisuus kannattaa?Mitä paikallisuus tuottaa?Miten paikallisen uusiutuvan energian tuotanto tukee kunnan vihreää…
Join the Nordic Circular Economy Network with GRUDE!
Welcome to Nordic Circular Arena! Nordic Circular Arena is the one stop shop for green stakeholders and initiatives in…
Greennovation Camp Manual is now published
As part of our project knowledge we now want to share this Greennovation Camp Manual with you! The Greennovation…
Directive of Accessibility requires procedures on the GRUDE websites
We are happy to inform our audiences that actions have been taken towards accessibility on GRUDE website. The work…
How can rural arctic societies work smart to go circular and sustainable?
GRUDE – Green Rural Economy hosts virtual Greennovation Camp with topics on sustainability and circular economy on rural arctic…
GRUDE is now in social media!
Follow us in Facebook: @grudeproject and Twitter @GrudeP
Please note that as the project has ended, this webpage will no longer be updated.