Interview with Wiebke Reim
We had a chat with Doctor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Luleå University of Technology (Sweden), Wiebke Reim.Hi Wiebke! You…
Circular Business Innovations from the Northern Arctic Areas
Summary of Greennovation Camp Keynote Speakers The third virtual Greennovation Camp in the Interreg Nord-project GRUDE was held on Tuesday…
Public Sector Facilitating Circular Economy
In the group session of the 3rd Greennovation camp we had an opportunity to hear two exiting case studies that…
From Linear to Circular – Shifting your Business Model
The third Virtual Greennovation Camp in the Interreg Nord-project GRUDE was held Tuesday Feb 9th, focusing on the utilization of side streams…
Digitalt uppstartsmöte REKO-ring Jokkmokk
REKO-ring JOKKMOKKDigitalt mötesforum för de som är intresserade av uppstart av REKO-ring i Jokkmokk. Både du som är producent och…
Digital workshop
Circular Economy – Digital Workshop Tuesday, 21 April, 2020 from 8.15-10.15 Näringslivsutveckling i Jokkmokks kommun – StrukturumKvarnbogatan 11, 962 32…
GRUDE webinar – Finland 28/04/2020
Due to Corona -virus situation we´ll organize our first workshop and networking event as a webinar. Please registrate with this…